You’ve selected
  • Registered Nurse (mental health nurse qualified)
  • Monthly
  • Group
  • Other organisation
  • Dual Diagnosis (AOD and mental health)
  • Family Inclusive Practice
  • Project Design & Management
Displaying 1 – 2 of 2 supervisors

Chris Brooks

In my 40 years of nursing I have worked in many different areas within both the general and mental health areas of practice. I have blended this experience with my training and experience in Natural Medicine, with a particular focus on physical...

Registered Nurse (mental health nurse qualified)
Mode of delivery:
In person,Online
Supervision size:
Inspiro Health Care

Nicky Luo

I have extensive qualifications in Bachelor degrees of Nursing and Applied Science (Health Promotion), post graduate diploma in Mental Health Nursing, Master of Clinical Family Therapy, Multiple certificates in varies mental health related area such...

Registered Nurse (mental health nurse qualified)
Mode of delivery:
In person,Phone,Online
Supervision size:
Bolton Clarke RSL Care
Reciprocal arrangements:
Displaying 1 – 2 of 2 supervisors