About me

Hello! I am a passionate mental health nurse working with the Centre for Mental Health Learning. I am driven by human rights and supported decision making, and believe reflective practice and replenishing spaces can provide a safer work environment for everyone.

My experience

I have experience working on an adult inpatient unit, as a group program nurse, and on a community team, and as an educator. All my experience is with metro public services and CMHL.

My current role/work

I currently work as the Project Lead for the Child Information Sharing Scheme at CMHL. For information on this work, see https://cmhl.org.au/work/child-information-sharing-scheme-2023.

My training

I have training in Clinical Supervision, including with NWMH and CMHL. I also am trained in co-design (TACSI), Trauma Informed Care, Safewards, Leadership for Emerging Leaders (Michelle Bihary).

My approach to supervision

My approach is supervisee led, and the methods we use will be agreed upon during our initial sessions. I enjoy the 'What' model, but most importantly my approach is to provide a safe, open, replenishing space.

Registered Nurse
Specialty areas:
Adult Mental Health,Inpatient,Community,Education,Leadership,Project Design & Management,Physical Health
Mode of delivery:
In person,Online
Supervision size:
Centre for Mental Health Learning
Reciprocal arrangements:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
metro, northern Melbourne
Geographical area availability for supervision