Minimum inclusion criteria

Thank you for your interest in offering clinical supervision. This database is designed to assist mental health nurses to find a suitable clinical supervisor. Through wide consultation the following criteria for eligibility to be on this database were developed:

  • You have at least 3 years' experience in a mental health designated role
  • You accept the underlying principles of Victoria's clinical supervision framework for mental health nurses
  • You have attended clinical supervision training or can demonstrate equivalent clinical supervision experience and expertise
  • You have received continuous clinical supervision for a minimum of 1 year

Supervisors applying to be listed on the CMHL public database attest that you agree to abide by your own service's policies and procedures in your supervision, including when providing supervision under reciprocal arrangements.

The Chief Mental Health Nurse, with significant contributions from Victoria’s Senior Mental Health Nurses, has prepared a document to guide further implementation of consistent approaches for reciprocal arrangements between Health Services, enabling more mental health nurses to access a clinical supervisor. If you are an AMHS employed nurse please ensure you read and abide by this document before applying to be listed on the database. For an accessible word version, click here.

At the end of the form you will be asked to read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

Form fields

Most of the content you enter will be visible on your publicly accessible listing on this database. Please make sure the content provides evidence as to your eligibility to be included on the database.

On page 2 of this form you will be asked for free text responses to the following. It may be worth preparing your responses to these fields before you start to complete the form.

  • About me- Please describe your background in a paragraph or two.
  • My experience - List here designated mental health roles you have held. Minimum 2 years in a designated mental health role is required.
  • My current role/work (optional) - Provide details of your current position to support supervisees confidence in the relevance of your role to their work. 
  • My training - Specify any relevant training you have engaged in.
  • My approach to supervision - Describe in a short paragraph or two the approach you take towards clinical supervision, your values as a supervisor, any methods or tools you use, why you are offering this service, what motivates you and what you aim to provide.

Changes to details

If your circumstances change please email to update your listing.
If you are at capacity but still want to be listed please email us as we can add "currently unavailable" to your listing.

Your information

Information in the database will be used in de-identified form for the ongoing evaluation of Victoria’s clinical supervision framework for MHNs. Listed supervisors may be contacted as part of the evaluation.

  1. Details
  2. Experience
  3. Availability & delivery
indicates the field is mandatory


The text you enter in the above text box will show on your public listing
The text you enter in the above text box will show on your public listing
Mobile or landline, please include area code. The purpose of collecting your phone number is for the database managers to contact you if necessary.
The text you enter in the above text box will show on your public listing
Mobile or landline, please include area code
The text you enter in the above text box will show on your public listing
minutes The text you enter in the above text box will show on your public listing if you state a session cost
Please write this in minutes, for example one-and-a-quarter hours is 75 minutes.
$ The text you enter in the above text box will show on your public listing if you state a session cost
The text you enter in the above text box will show on your public listing. Include cost for within service and outside service.